Wednesday, December 14, 2016
we propose a smart digital door lock system for home automation. A digital door lock system is equipment that uses the digital information such as a secret code.A door lock system proposed here consists of GSM module to interact with user remotely, a motor module for opening and closing of the door and some sensor modules for detecting the knocking situations of also allows users to remotely reset the secret code in the lock.The LCD display and keypad help to user to give inputs and see outputs easily.
Saturday, July 16, 2016
Internet Base Robo Controlling
Internet Based robot controlling
iSAFE is the semi-autonomous robot which can control over the internet.During the last few years, the robot population has increased dramatically. Robots do indeed offer considerable advantages if they are used at the right time, in the right place and for the right task. To fulfill these conditions, we show how we can use the internet to control a robot when the client is far away from the home or location. When the user gives the relevant commands, the robot could move in those directions and do work accordingly. Also, the user is able to watch what the robot is doing in real time.
You get the source code from here,
You get the source code from here,
Getting starting with Open Source Project(Mozilla Firefox) Part 1
What's the difference between open source software and other types of software?Some software has source code that only the person, team, or organization who created it and maintains exclusive control over it can modify. People call this kind of software "proprietary" or "closed source" software. Only the original authors of proprietary software can legally copy, inspect, and alter that software. And in order to use proprietary software, computer users must agree that they will not do anything with the software that the software's authors have not expressly permitted. Microsoft Office and Adobe Photoshop are examples of proprietary software.
Open source software is different. Its authors make its source code available to others who would like to view that code, copy it, learn from it, alter it, or share it. LibreOffice and the Firefox Programs are examples of open source software.
Let's start to form the scratch.
In here we going to start to contribute Mozilla firefox project.So here we go, now we know nothing about firefox so we need to know about Firefox first. Every open source projects have their own mailing list which is used to talk about the project and bugs.First of all, we need to register there,so we can ask them about our issues.Here is the link to the mailing list and we can register there.
After we done with the mailing list now we can move forward, normally when we send a mail it will take a time to get the reply from the people but we can have another option it's IRS.IRC mean
Internet Relay Chat It is similar to the WhatsApp ,we can see all the members who are in online now and we can send messages public and they will reply us. to use IRC we need to install IRC client it's very easy to follow the link and get one in here we are using Hexchat.
In the next post, we will see how to use Hexchat and what to do next.
Friday, June 3, 2016
GPU-accelerated video enhancement application
What is GPU..?
Already as you known it's a video card. A graphics processing unit (GPU), also occasionally called visual processing unit (VPU), is a specialized electronic circuit designed to rapidly manipulate and alter memory to accelerate the creation of images in a frame buffer intended for output to a display.
Why GPU..?
This process is usually slow, so to boost performance, I'm using GPU acceleration via CUDA, NVIDIA’s general C-like programming language. In practice, you can expect a real-time performance
Introduction to the Project
If we consider a video or a movie, some of them have problems such as low brightness, low contrast and not suitable colors. So that factors must be improve to get a better video.
Improving the quality of a video is called video enhancement. Enhancement can be with respect to different properties such as brightness, contrast and color. Histogram equalization is a widely used technique in image processing to do automatic contrast adjustment of an image. Images which are too darker, lighter or flat are having a low contrast.
Histogram equalization increases the contrast automatically to make the quality of the image better. The same process can be used to enhance videos because a video is simply a sequence of still images. The process mostly involves pixel wise operations and for a high resolution image a lot of computations has to be done.
If we consider CPU it has Small number of computation threads being undertaken at high speed, but GPU has a large number of simple computation threads undertaken at a lower speed. In video enhancement the number of computations for a video is significantly high and hence the video rendering on CPU would require long waiting time.
A Graphics Processing Unit that consists of hundreds of cores are ideal in problems like this which involves large number of independent parallel operations. Therefore a GPU implementation is expected to give a massive speedup. Using Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA), NVIDIA graphics cards can be easily programmed to be used for such
In this project, we implemented a software that runs on a GPU to enhance a given color video using histogram equalization technique.
Designing the project
• Accept a H.264/MP4 video file specified by the user as an input
We basically use open CV to process the video file. open CV is a basic image processing library which is used to read video file as a 3D matrix.
• Convert RGB values of the frames to HSI
There are so many techniques to enhance videos but in our case we used histogram equalization to enhance the video. So we firstly read RGB values from the frame by frame in the video and converted in to HSI values. Then using that HSI values we processed the histogram equalization algoritham.
• Do the histogram equalization
In histogram equalization first we consider a frame. We read its pixel values as a matrix. Then we got the frequency of each pixel value. Then we use histogram equation to get the equalized pixel values and replaced them with original values. We did this process frame by frame.
{formulas for histogram equalization : h(v)= [cdf - cdf(min)/M x N - cdf(min) ] x (L-1) }
• Do the CUDA implementation
First we analyzed the parallizable parts in the code. Then we make kernels for those parallizable parts. After that we using Cuda ocupancy calculator we get optimize block sizes and thread numbers and use them in the code.
• Optimization and output the enhanced video as the same file format and initial resolution
We increased the work done by each kernel. Also number of times that the kernels are used is reduced. We allocated memory once at the beginning of an application and then reuse that memory in each kernel invocation. We used row wise matrix operations.
If we consider a video or a movie, some of them have problems such as low brightness, low contrast and not suitable colors. So that factors must be improve to get a better video.
Improving the quality of a video is called video enhancement. Enhancement can be with respect to different properties such as brightness, contrast and color. Histogram equalization is a widely used technique in image processing to do automatic contrast adjustment of an image. Images which are too darker, lighter or flat are having a low contrast.
Histogram equalization increases the contrast automatically to make the quality of the image better. The same process can be used to enhance videos because a video is simply a sequence of still images. The process mostly involves pixel wise operations and for a high resolution image a lot of computations has to be done.
If we consider CPU it has Small number of computation threads being undertaken at high speed, but GPU has a large number of simple computation threads undertaken at a lower speed. In video enhancement the number of computations for a video is significantly high and hence the video rendering on CPU would require long waiting time.
A Graphics Processing Unit that consists of hundreds of cores are ideal in problems like this which involves large number of independent parallel operations. Therefore a GPU implementation is expected to give a massive speedup. Using Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA), NVIDIA graphics cards can be easily programmed to be used for such
In this project, we implemented a software that runs on a GPU to enhance a given color video using histogram equalization technique.
Designing the project
• Accept a H.264/MP4 video file specified by the user as an input
We basically use open CV to process the video file. open CV is a basic image processing library which is used to read video file as a 3D matrix.
• Convert RGB values of the frames to HSI
There are so many techniques to enhance videos but in our case we used histogram equalization to enhance the video. So we firstly read RGB values from the frame by frame in the video and converted in to HSI values. Then using that HSI values we processed the histogram equalization algoritham.
• Do the histogram equalization
In histogram equalization first we consider a frame. We read its pixel values as a matrix. Then we got the frequency of each pixel value. Then we use histogram equation to get the equalized pixel values and replaced them with original values. We did this process frame by frame.
{formulas for histogram equalization : h(v)= [cdf - cdf(min)/M x N - cdf(min) ] x (L-1) }
• Do the CUDA implementation
First we analyzed the parallizable parts in the code. Then we make kernels for those parallizable parts. After that we using Cuda ocupancy calculator we get optimize block sizes and thread numbers and use them in the code.
• Optimization and output the enhanced video as the same file format and initial resolution
We increased the work done by each kernel. Also number of times that the kernels are used is reduced. We allocated memory once at the beginning of an application and then reuse that memory in each kernel invocation. We used row wise matrix operations.
First of all you need
you can find the code using above link.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Arduino Bluetooth RC Car (Android Controlled)
Hello. In this project i'm going to make a Arduino Controlled car using HC-05 bluetooth module.
Before starting, make sure that you have:
- Arduino uno board
- L293D motor driver
- HC-05 Bluetooth module
- Motors ( in my case i'm using 4 gear motors )
- power regulator
- Rechargeable battery.
I uploaded similer circuit diagram which i used.In my case i used Arduino Mega bord.Above diagram i did nnt mention about the power unit in my robot i used buck converter.i think you know about these things.
- Make sure your bluetooth module is connected corectly as my diagram it should be RX in to TX and TX in to RX like that.
2.It's quite simple if you complete basic things to programme.
First of all you should initialize the D2,D3,D4,D5 in to some digital pins to control the motors and to control the speed you should initialize 2 PWM pins.It's not need any way you can just give some 5v to those two pins in the motor drive it will work fine then you cant change the speed.
to the controlling part i'am using this android app and it's very simple to use.if you click on the button it will send some specific ASCII values to the arduino and there is another feature of this app it will remainly send that value if you hold the button it will stop after you release the's the best app i ever seen in the play store for this purpose
int in1 = 9;
int in2 = 10;
int in3 = 11;
int in4 = 12;
int speedPinA = 8;
int speedPinB = 13;
int inByte = 0;
void setup(){
pinMode(in1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in4, OUTPUT);
void forwd(){
analogWrite(speedPinA, 250);
analogWrite(speedPinB, 250);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);
void Left(){
analogWrite(speedPinA, 250);
analogWrite(speedPinB, 250);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);
void backwrd(){
analogWrite(speedPinA, 250);
analogWrite(speedPinB, 250);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);
void Right(){
analogWrite(speedPinA, 250);
analogWrite(speedPinB, 250);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW); //----
void all_stop(){
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);
void loop(){
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
inByte =;
if(inByte == 76){
inByte = 0;
if(inByte == 82 ){
inByte = 0;
if(inByte == 70){
inByte = 0;
if(inByte == 66){
inByte = 0;
if(inByte == 83 ){
Enjoy it.....!
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